Expert Wet Basement Repairs
Trenchless Experts Since 1990
Expert Wet Basement Repair Services in Vancouver – Solving Dampness, Flooding, and Water Damage
A wet basement can cause significant damage and stress to your home. Our Lower Mainland region is susceptible to excessive rainfall, which can lead to leaks and cracks in your basement walls, poor lot drainage, failure of weeping tiles, blocked connections between your home and the main sewer/water line system, and back-ups of wastewater in the sewer system. Even a basement that does not typically experience seepage during heavy rain cannot guarantee permanent dryness. Moisture problems can be intermittent, with water penetration occurring after virtually every rain in some houses, or only after prolonged periods of rain, wind-driven rain, or during a spring thaw in others. Since all basements will leak at some point, the question is not if, but when and how often it will happen, our experts can help to find the best solution for your case.

Professional Solutions for Water Damage in Basements
Identifying and Eliminating Sources of Moisture.
The foundation walls of your home are susceptible to water damage from two primary sources: surface water and roof drains discharging too close to the wall. Excessive water flow around the basement wall can filter down and saturate the soils adjacent to the foundation. When the ground under and around the house is already saturated, water can seep into the basement through cracks and open joints in the foundation. One of the most common causes of wet basements is damaged, blocked, or crushed drain tiles. Quality builders and concerned homeowners trust Drain Master to ensure their homes have dry basements and crawl spaces through our expert services.
Water Line Leaking Or Damaged? Roots In your Sewer Line? Cracked Drain Tiles?